It all started with a dream.
When I was a kid, I vividly remember pretending to be a teacher during afternoon playtime. I’ve loved the idea of being able to learn with others. After several delightful milestones and occasional bruises in between, I was somehow able to make it. I am now a professional teacher.
But it was far from how I imagined it to be… it’s a tough job. Even if this work is asking for so much, it also gives back so much joy and fulfillment. The time I’ve spent in teaching also taught me so many things. One that resonates the most is realizing that teaching is essential to the cosmic task.
Over the years, I have learned to follow the children and give them the keys to the universe for them to explore. Thankfully, there are a lot of places I can bring them to nurture their interests, especially with the Arts and Sciences.
Of all the places we can go, I have to say that The Mind Museum and the programs from Bonifacio Art Foundation, Inc. (BAFI) are a few of our favorites. We’ve made frequent trips to their exhibits and watch fascinating shows at BGC Arts Center. Among all those, The Van Gogh Alive Exhibit would have to be one for the books.

I’m grateful for experiences like these. After all, life is made up of a number of unforgettable moments. We always keep the ones we love. My only hope is that these moments will teach the children to explore beyond borders; embrace history, study the science of possibilities, and appreciate the arts. As for me, I have a day-by-day task of encouraging the children to dream with a heart full of love for learning.
This is now my reality. I guess this is what it means to live the dream.
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Catch the new schedule:
SATURDAYS 9:00 a.m., Colours Ch. 202 HD and 60 SD,
SUNDAYS, 10:00 a.m. One PH Ch. 1.
Streaming for FREE on Cignal Play & Mind S-Cool YouTube Channel
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