There is no doubt that we live in an era of uncertainty. Due to the pandemic, humanity had to compromise and adapt to both fight the virus and keep society functioning. Because of this unstable climate, the reactions of people around me when I told them I was taking a gap year after high school were as expected. I got bombarded with questions that stemmed from a place of concern such as “Are you sure you’re going to college after this?” “Why can’t you just go straight to college?” “Isn’t that a waste of time?” But I always thought otherwise. After all, this decision led me to intern for such an important and meaningful place, The Mind Museum.
I recall searching for internship opportunities to understand the working environment and to get a taste of what I may face in the future. Then suddenly, The Mind Museum came to mind; as someone who has visited the museum countless times as a child and marveled at the exhibits, I felt like this was the place to go. In a sense, I’d be giving back to the Mind Museum for all the times it helped me develop into the person I am today. Luckily, I was graciously given the opportunity to help out the Mind Movers!
For the past two months, I met wonderful people who offered a helping hand whenever I needed one. I worked on a number of projects and discovered more about the inner workings of The Mind Museum. It was an experience like no other. Despite the digital bounds and conflicts in schedule, I’m glad I was able to partake in communicating Science and Art to audiences who might one day be in the same position as me. My two months here have certainly been a learning experience, and it gave me a whole new level of appreciation for Science and Art communicators who are passionate about educating and informing. Hopefully, I was able to, in some way, shape, or form, give back to the museum that helped spark my interest in the Sciences and Arts. I will certainly carry this experience and the valuable teachings I’ve learned along with me as I advance in my studies for the years to come.

Me visiting the biggest telescope in the Philippines (2020) 9 year old me in The Mind Museum’s Da
Vinci exhibit (2013)
The Mind Museum opens this December 21!
Check out this Welcome Back treat!

Limited slots only!
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